mikail f lumentut

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Welcome  !

It is my pleasure to welcome you in this site. It is humbly intended to share some of my previous and latest research works, particularly in the field of Mechanics – Smart Materials and Structures and Fluid Flow. My works focus on the basic research for developing the coupled system phenomenon using mathematical models, computations, and machine learning. The ideas of my works are obviously inspired by the practical applications of engineering sciences thus making it sufficiently applicable in relevant approaches to the implementation in industrial and government sectors. Entailing the combinations of transdisciplinary aspect, somehow, also gives benefit to view different perspectives for these studies. It is a challenging process to investigate the new methodologies for the purpose of applications. But, for understanding and improving essential theoretical and physical aspects, the accuracies of the results and/or the new methods can contribute to a better future.

I hope you will find something interesting for this site. Thank you !.